Club News

Club News

BMC Survey

Dear Member

Most of you will be aware that the BMC are undertaking a complete review of their governance and operations.  The Review will informed by the findings of a Member Survey.  This is now available to complete on the link below.  All 85,000+ members of the BMC are being asked to complete this survey. 

 As one of the Founding Clubs of the BMC, and the only Club in the UK fully dedicated to Alpinism and the ethics and ethos of mountaineering, your views are important.  I would encourage all members to take this opportunity to take part and make your views on the future role and governance of the BMC known:

Kind regards 


John Porter


“An Invitation to Seek Blessings from His Holiness The Dalai Lama”

Not the kind of invitation you receive every day. And one AC vice-president Stephen Goodwin was more than happy to accept.

The invitation came from the Himalayan Club. As part of its 90th anniversary celebrations, the HC had been fortunate enough to secure an audience with the Dalai Lama at Dharamsala, the Tibetan ‘capital in exile’ in Himachal Pradesh, India.


Montane Alpine Climbing Club Fund

Montane Alpine Climbing Club Fund ( MACCF) grants are now available for both official Alpine Club expeditions and independent private expeditions involving Alpine Club members.

Grants are usually given to expeditions attempting new routes or first ascents in high and / or hard to reach mountain ranges e.g. the Himalaya and Karakoram ranges. Grants will now not typically be given for the more well-travelled mountain areas in Central Alaska, Patagonia, or Greenland (unless the applicants are young members who are new to expeditionary climbing).  First ski ascents or descents are not usually supported. A new feature of the grants is that they may now be awarded to teams attempting early repeats of technical routes, especially on 7000m and 8000m mountains, and/or if they aim to improve on the style of earlier ascents. Preference is given to expeditions by students and younger members, and to those who have not previously received a grant.

Details of funding and the application process can be found HERE.